Tasty Tidbits 9/29/11

  1. We’re homeless. What a relief!
  2. What, Mead worry?
  3. The only good (newsworthy) Christian is a bad Christian.
  4. J.K. Rowlings breadth and depth.
  5. WKB, RIP


Writing one of the best personal “localist” essays I’ve ever read, Rod Dreher recounts how he was at his sister Ruthie’s long wake back home in Louisiana when he and his wife got an epiphany: Continue reading “Tasty Tidbits 9/29/11”

Tasty Tidbits 9/28/11

  1. Ayn Rand on the multiplication of criminal laws.
  2. What is a “progressive”?
  3. Where are the progressives (whatever they are)?
  4. Another impending execution. Yawn!
  5. 2 kinds of “peak oil.”
  6. Andrew Sullivan’s lazy slander.
  7. School as “a place apart.”
  8. Some God the gift to gie us …
  9. Why write?

Continue reading “Tasty Tidbits 9/28/11”

Sunday Thoughts 9/25/11

I spent much time Saturday writing a blog that says some things I really believe. Unfortunately, I also really believe that many who read it might find it offensive, and it would hurt, rather than help, the objective for which I wrote it. So I’m going to distill it, and see if it works better.

I’m writing for Evangelicals, so don’t be shocked if you “don’t get it” coming from somewhere other than Evangelicalism.

Continue reading “Sunday Thoughts 9/25/11”

Proposition or Place?

I have heard America described several times recently as “the first nation built on an idea,” or words to that effect. It made me uncomfortable, somehow coming across as sinister blather. But I didn’t stop to figure out why.

Yet there are few questions – perhaps none at all – more important to our common life than just what it is we do “have in common.” In that form, the question has been roiling me for more than a decade. Now my thinking has been jump-started  Continue reading “Proposition or Place?”

Adam & ho anthropos

NPR’s Talk of the Nation Thursday had a 30-minute segment on “Christians Divided Over Science of Human Origins. Apart from a few callers and e-mailers, the discussion was basically between Daniel Harlow of Calvin College and Albert Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

I will not even try to sort out their debate overall, but Mohler said something I believe to be demonstrably false. Continue reading “Adam & ho anthropos”