Saturday, 11/16/13

    1. Crime of the Century
    2. To what electorate does this appeal?
    3. 50th anniversary of a tragic death
    4. Keeping Christ at bay


Who says the world is getting worse?

Last century’s “crime of the century” is the senseless slaughter of 180,000 humpback whales by the Soviets. This century’s crime of the century is schools without WiFi, so kids can access McGraw-Hill content online. Thus saith McGraw-Hill’s President and Vice-President. You can look that up on the internet, where nobody can say anything unless it’s true.


Who says the world’s getting better? Listen to the future of foreign policy “thought” in the GOP:

Mark Kirk … in a bold bid to produce a memorable soundbite, said “How do you define an Iran moderate? An Iranian who is out of bullets and out of money.” … Making ignorant and belligerent comments about Iran has now become a form of Republican electioneering.


I’m glad somebody’s going to remember the tragic death that occurred on November 23, 1963.

I’m referring to the death of Clive Staples Lewis, of course.


Preamble to a reprinted Fr. Stephen Freeman blog on “The Geography of Heaven and Hell” (emphasis added):

I continue to be amazed at the literalism that infects the minds of many Christians. Just because Scripture uses the language of geography to describe something does not at all mean that we should assume that it is referring to a literal geography. Those whose imaginations are filled with various versions of heaven and hell in literal terms – it seems to me – lack imagination. The accounts of Christ after the Resurrection, though marked occasionally with very physical descriptions, are clearly marked as well with things that defy everything we know of physicality. His Resurrection is the only “image” of a tangible/non-tangible sort that we can point to for the character of life after death. Some Christians so lack imagination that they won’t let Christ off a literal throne in heaven and use such nonsense to deny the complete reality of the transformation of the Eucharist into His body and blood. In earlier centuries of the Church, such notions would (and were ) declared heresy by the Fathers. How can we worship God in awe and wonder when He is reduced to such understandable terms?Jesus Christ is Lord and His resurrected existence is the only measuring stick (if you will) of reality.

Two key points from the blog itself:

1. There are no maps of the afterlife.

2. There are no rules which God must not break.

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“The remarks made in this essay do not represent scholarly research. They are intended as topical stimulations for conversation among intelligent and informed people.” (Gerhart Niemeyer)

Some succinct standing advice on recurring themes.