Friday, September 21, 2012

  1. Texan v. Texan.
  2. Recovering healthy hatred for Big Brother.


[Susan G. Komen’s] Brinker never really had a chance against [Planned Parenthood’s] Richards. They were playing entirely different games and they ran organizations set up for entirely different purposes. One is a charity set up for cancer research, the other is a political operation well practiced in smash-face politics.

… [F]ederally funded nonprofit Planned Parenthood has truckloads of cash for advocacy and for attacking foes and even former friends.

(How Planned Parenthood Outwitted Komen for the Cure)


I flew cross-country Thursday, eating up the whole day with flights and layovers. My sole remaining link will be to “Why We Criticize Mitt,” from the American Conservative blog. It explains the roots of the American Conservative: under Dubya, “conservatives” had learned to love Big Brother.

I feel great sympathy with most of what comes from the American Conservative, yet I know that this country’s “conservative” standard-bearers would see it, and me, as other than conservative, and most of the country would agree. So call me a Red Tory or something. But don’t be so stupid as to think that I like Obama or the Democrats because I detest Romney and what the GOP has become.

As Churchill tactically sacrificed Coventry for a sound strategic purpose, so we must risk a second Obama term to show the GOP that they can’t offer us a shit sandwich with an mocking “where else ya gonna go?”

I dunno. Maybe stay home. Maybe abstain in the presidential race. Maybe write in Wendell Berry or vote for Gary Johnson. But vote for Mitt? Not if I remain sane.

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Some succinct standing advice on recurring themes.